Thursday, October 31, 2013

Changing My Perspective

My story is eerily similar to Shelly's.  I became a mother at the age of 21, in my last year of college.  I ended up finishing college (even obtaining two graduate degrees as well), becoming a teacher, and staying happily married to my husband of 12 years.  We now have two beautiful children, and a wonderfully blessed life.
Things weren't always that way.  The pain of my past was always brought up by the enemy.  Satan had and still has a twisted way of using even the best of friends and family.  I spent years trying to be the "perfect" mother, wife, and Christian.  It was exhausting!  Peace finally came one day when the Lord said, "I forgave your sin a long time ago.  Stop trying to make up for it!  Enough already!"  I was trying, just as my own children do now, to "make up" for my sin by doing "good" things--trying to smooth things over with my Father in Heaven.
"Smoothing things over" is not what the Lord wants from us.  He wants us to keep #movingforward in His love, grace, and mercy.  He wants us to be a light to a lost and dying world, and to witness to others the fact that He loves them, and wants them to cling to Him and His promises.  Keep on moving sisters, keep on moving!
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose."  ~Romans 8:28

Thursday, October 24, 2013



I am brand new to this blogging business.  This is my very first blog post, so I am going way out on a limb here--completely out of my comfort zone. 

I am currently involved in an online Bible study (OBS) through Proverbs 31 Ministries.  The study is centered on Renee Swope's book A Confident Heart.  I highly recommend this book to any lady out there struggling with finding her confidence through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  After all, He is the only one that can provide that true and lasting confidence!

One of the activities for our study this week has been to participate in blog hop.  This is my first shot at a blog hop, so here goes!


In Renee's book, she offers up some "When--Then" statements to help encourage readers as needed.  These "When--Then" statements offer up scenarios that we, as Christians, may face.  I have come up with my own, specifically targeting what I am dealing with most right now--feeling unlovable.  So...

When I am feeling unlovable, then I will remember that God so loved me that He sent His Son to die for me!

What a great promise from our Lord.  He loved unlovable me.  To the point that he sacrificed His only Son so that I could have eternal life with Him!  How amazingly wonderful that is!  I am loved.  I am accepted.  I am whole.  All because of God's great unfailing love.  #priceless!