Thursday, October 24, 2013



I am brand new to this blogging business.  This is my very first blog post, so I am going way out on a limb here--completely out of my comfort zone. 

I am currently involved in an online Bible study (OBS) through Proverbs 31 Ministries.  The study is centered on Renee Swope's book A Confident Heart.  I highly recommend this book to any lady out there struggling with finding her confidence through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  After all, He is the only one that can provide that true and lasting confidence!

One of the activities for our study this week has been to participate in blog hop.  This is my first shot at a blog hop, so here goes!


In Renee's book, she offers up some "When--Then" statements to help encourage readers as needed.  These "When--Then" statements offer up scenarios that we, as Christians, may face.  I have come up with my own, specifically targeting what I am dealing with most right now--feeling unlovable.  So...

When I am feeling unlovable, then I will remember that God so loved me that He sent His Son to die for me!

What a great promise from our Lord.  He loved unlovable me.  To the point that he sacrificed His only Son so that I could have eternal life with Him!  How amazingly wonderful that is!  I am loved.  I am accepted.  I am whole.  All because of God's great unfailing love.  #priceless!


  1. Thank you for being brave enough to start a blog. It is also out of my comfort zone, but I think this study is the perfect place to start and may add my own soon as well. I love your When--Then statement. What a great picture of His love for us!

    1. Oh so sweet is the unconditional love of our Father! Thank you for being called His beloved. Keep blogging, my sister

  2. Congrats to you Danielle for stepping out and starting a blog! You've done a great job getting it set up and with your first post. Thank you for sharing your heart with us today through your when-then statement. Praying God blesses you for your willingness to start something new that shares Him and His truth with the world.
    Katrina Wylie (FB small group leader)

  3. Very nice job of your first blog. I love the simple but very very powerful message. Bless you keep on blogging

  4. I love your when-then statement! It puts everything into perspective. I hope for you and me to: Eph 3:18 grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
