Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Taking Time

Everyone, it seems, is always in a hurry.  We hurry about through the grocery store, the drive-thru, the stoplight as it's turning yellow (guilty).  Oftentimes, our "rush through the to-do list" attitude causes us to miss out on life.  We get into such a hurry that we forget to "stop and smell the roses" so to speak. 

What if we just slowed down a little?  What if we took the time to listen?  Not only to those around us, or to nature, but to God?  The Lord desires that we do this. 

Psalm 46:10 reads, "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."
I am just as guilty as the next person when it comes to rushing about through life.  I usually have a to-do list a mile long, so I have very little time to spare on most days.  I have told my children (and husband) to "Hurry up!" on more than one occasion.  I have rushed through my daily devotion, hoping that the Lord would bless me.  Rushing through my devotion usually resulted in the Lord saying to me, "Really, Danielle?  That's all you've got?  After all that I have done for you, you give Me five minutes and a cookie-cutter prayer?  You can do better!"

I can do better, and I am trying to change that.  I am making a concentrated effort to take the time--to spend time with the Lord, to listen, to laugh, to love, to fellowship.  I am finding that the rewards are instantaneous.  You learn things about people that you never knew before.  You get the chance to share the love of Jesus with the stranger in the grocery store.  You get to be a blessing to someone instead of bypassing them to the express lane. 

I challenge you to join me.  Take time for God today--no more drive-thru devotions.  Take the time to listen, to laugh, to love, to fellowship, or to be a blessing to someone.  You might just surprise yourself.

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